Sacrificing Bees for the Greater Good: Alcohol Wash to Detect Varroa Mites

I've got a bit of a tale for you today, and it's a tad grim, I won't lie. You see, I've come face-to-face with the reality of Varroa mites. These little buggers are right on our doorstep, and now, it seems like we're checking our bees every month. Blimey, just thinking about it wears me out!

I got myself this Easy Check kit online. Now, I'm not saying they're sponsoring me or anything, but hey, Easy Check, if you're listening, how about sending a few of these my way? We could do a little giveaway to spread the love a bit!

Now, this kit... it's meant to simplify things, but you know how it is when something says "easy." It always makes me a tad suspicious. The whole process involves a bit of rubbing alcohol (or, as I like to call it, metho) and this unique container. The aim? To catch those nurse bees from the brood frame. They're the ones most likely to be carrying those pesky mites.

But here's the kicker: you've got to make sure the queen's not in the mix. We can't have her getting sloshed in alcohol, now can we?

It's a bit rough sacrificing a few bees for this test. But if we don't watch for these mites, we might not have a hive left when summer rolls around. It's the hard truth of beekeeping these days.

But here's the good news from my recent check: no Varroa mites in sight! It's not all doom and gloom, mates. We must stay vigilant, adapt, and keep on beekeeping.

So, if you're keen on joining me on this wild beekeeping journey, hop into The Brood Box.

Don't miss out on our chat with Randy Oliver this Thursday morning. The bloke's practically a legend when it comes to these mites. He's been researching them longer than I've been beekeeping!

Until next time, keep those bees buzzing and remember that beekeeping's not just about the hives. It's about the passion, the challenges, and the sweet rewards.


Mark, The Bush Bee Man


Tackling Varroa Mites: A Live Chat with Randy Oliver


Catching a Swarm in My Shed: The Queen's Great Escape!