Beekeeping Q&A: How Much Honey Should You Leave for Your Bees?
Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby and profession that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. This month, we delve into some of the most pressing questions beekeepers face, from controlling ants around the hive to understanding the intricacies of honey production. Let's dive in!

My Plans for the Varroa Mite Incursion: Navigating the Future of Beekeeping
It's been a year since the Varroa mite first showed its uninvited face here in Australia. Like many of you, I'd been observing the situation with a mix of fascination and denial, secretly hoping the problem would somehow sort itself out. But it's clear now that we're past the point of idle speculation. This unwelcome guest is here to stay, and it's high time we start devising a battle plan.