Full Circle: A Return to Beginnings Amidst Varroa Threats
Today's tale is about coming full circle - quite literally - with our beekeeping journey. The Varroa mites are still lurking, and finding safe havens for our buzzing beauties is crucial. So, here's the buzz on our recent venture to the old grounds where it all began!

Catching a Swarm in My Shed: The Queen's Great Escape!
In a thrilling escapade, Mark, The Bush Bee Man, encounters a swarm of bees making a home in his shed. Despite the buzzing challenges and a swift queen, Mark shares his exhilarating experience and the lessons learned in the world of beekeeping.

How to Test for Varroa Mites Using the Sugar Shake Method: A Guide by The Bush Bee Man
Today, I'm going to walk you through a process that's as sweet as honey but tackles a not-so-sweet problem: the varroa mites.