Loxton Basketball: 70 Years


From a single snapshot to a soaring legacy, 'Loxton Basketball: 70 Years' encapsulates an extraordinary seven-decade journey of camaraderie, determination, and heart-stopping victories, underpinned by a town's undying passion for basketball.

In 1949, a solitary picture in an American sports periodical inspired a cluster of Loxton residents to decode the mechanics of basketball. Originating from these modest roots, the Loxton Basketball Association was established.

Today, on its remarkable 70th anniversary, the association marks the occasion with the inauguration of an innovative sports facility and a heart-stopping victory in the grand finale.

Creative Team

Writer and Director: John deCaux

Producer: Jordan Rinaldi & John deCaux

Executive Producer: Greg Coombs

A Six Foot Four Production

Assistant Producer: Lydia deCaux

A CAMERA Samuel: Taylor

B CAMERA Callum: Isaacs

Behind the Scenes: Brady Fulham

Research: Greg Coombs

Produced with the support of

Australian Government - Regional Arts Fund

Country Arts SA

District Council of Loxton Waikerie




Level 17